

Interviews End-Users.



I wanted to get a better understanding of the experiences and needs of the end users in creating temporary theme pages. I interviewed two marketeers from iO (Guido Bruijn and Mathias Vissers) and two from their clients, Prominent (Bart Verdouw) and IGM (Jordi ter Woord). These interviews were important for getting information into their experiences with creating temporary theme pages.


Guido Bruijn is a marketeer from iO Eindhoven. He told me an important issue: the challenge of converting concepts to a webpage. He told me that their biggest struggle is to convert an idea/concept to an actual webpage. A tool that could improve this process was something he was interested in. For this tool, he mentioned a need for having templates within the tool, which would further simplify the process and reduce the complexity. He also suggested a feature allowing to drag/move elements within the tool, in order to easily change the generated output.

Mathias Vissers is also a marketing manager but at iO Herentals. He mentioned how important the quality of content is to him. He said that existing tools such as Jesper AI often don't copy the tone of voice of a company well, which is something he finds important for good communication. He also believes that iO should have a clear vision and opinion on every topic that they offer, which makes sure they are consistent and clear in their messaging. This is something the tool should also try to achieve. Looking at the CMS they currently use, he suggested that templates are already being used effectively and that those could maybe also be implemented in the tool. Lasty, he mentioned they use Storyblok for their content and would like to see also an integration of it within the tool.

Jordi ter Woord is an IT Business Analyst at IGM who already has a lot of experience with AI. He uses it to generate descriptions and sometimes the entire text for pages. Even thought they already use AI a lot, Jordi mentioned that there's still a lot of room for improvement, specifically in the speed and efficiency of creating temporary pages. He would also like to see an integration with Magento.

Bart Verdouw is a marketeer from Prominent, he hasn't been really involved with AI yet but is interested in seeing the possibilities. Even though he has some doubts about AI, he does see the potential benefits and is open to trying it. He too mentioned a need to use templates within the tool, and also an integration with Storyblok.

Quick Overview

  • Guido Bruijn (iO Eindhoven):
    • Struggles with coverting concepts to webpages.
    • Would like templates within the tool to simplify the process.
    • Suggests a feature allowing to drag/move elements to easily change generated pages.
  • Mathias Vissers (iO Brussels):
    • Mentioned the content quality and tone of voice is really important.
    • Recommends the tool to have a clear vision on topics that aligns with the company using it.
    • Would like an integration of Storyblok within the tool.
  • Jordi ter Woord (IGM):
    • Experienced with AI for generating descriptions and text for whole pages.
    • Sees room for improvement in speed and efficiency of page creation.
    • Would like an integration of Magneto.
  • Bart Verdouw (Prominent):
    • Interested in seeing the possibilities of AI even though he has made little use of it.
    • Is open to learning more about AI and how it can be used for Prominent.
    • Would like to use templates within the tool and have a Storyblok integration.


These interviews gave good insights into the experiences, needs, and preferences of the end users. It is clear that common issues are that converting a concept to a page is difficult and that there is a need for increased speed in creating these pages. There is also a need for templates and the integration of Storyblok and Magento. Lastly, having high quality content and a consistent tone of voice are also considered important.

Luuk Briels - 467020 - Media Design

Luuk Briels - 467020 - Media Design

Luuk Briels - 467020 - Media Design