

Midterm Review.

Peer Review


Halfway through my internship, I also had a midterm review. This is where I gathered feedback from my internship mentor, my two assessors, and selfreflected on this feedback. This way, I could think about how I can improve myself and the project.


The feedback I received from my internship mentor was very positive. Most of my learning outcomes were rated as proficient, and a few even received outstanding. This was a good to hear and reassured me that I was on the right track. The feedback from my assessors was also positive, but they pointed out a few areas that I need to keep an eye on as I continue with the project. This too was very helpful because it gave me specific points to focus on. After considering all this feedback, I did a self evaluation. I looked at my learning outcomes and thought about how I could improve them. This process of self-reflection was really beneficial because it helped me see my progress more clearly and set goals for the rest of my internship.


The midterm review was very valuable for me. It gave me a clear picture of where I am in my internship. I've learned what I am doing well and what areas need some work. This kind of feedback is important for my growth. I now have a better idea of the things I need to further develop and the steps I need to take to improve overall success of the project.

Luuk Briels - 467020 - Media Design

Luuk Briels - 467020 - Media Design

Luuk Briels - 467020 - Media Design