

Success Criteria.


To get a better idea of when the proof of concept can be considered a success I set up a list of success criteria. These criteria are based on interviews with the end users, and stakeholders/experts. By gathering input from these groups I wanted to make sure that the POC would meet their needs and expectations. The success criteria will help as a benchmark to determine how effective the POC is. This helps to make sure the project goals are in line with the user requirements and stakeholder expectations.


For the POC I created several success criteria to help with the development and evaluation process. These criteria are:

  • The proof of concept can generate a temporary theme pages based on a prompt.
  • The proof of concept can generate a temporary theme pages faster than a developer could make it.
  • The proof of concept has integrations with Magento and Storyblok
  • The proof of concept can convey an existing brand style.
  • The generated pages can be edited by users.
  • The generated pages are semantic/WCAG complaint.
  • The proof of concept can publish a generated page to AWS
  • The proof of concept is easy to use.


These criteria help me focus on the most important factors and determine whether or not the POC is a success. By having these specific goals I can measure how well the POC performs. Each criterion is a checkpoint which allows me to see if the project meets important needs like speed, ease of use, and ability to integrate with other systems. This approach makes sure I don't miss anything important and gives me a good way to judge the project. Also having these clear goals helps me spot any areas that need improvement and shows me what needs to be worked on next.

Luuk Briels - 467020 - Media Design